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Linh Tinh (Diễn đàn bị khoá Diễn đàn bị khoá)
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Đă tham gia: 25 April 2006
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Bài gửi: 412
Msg 1 of 8: Đă gửi: 14 June 2008 lúc 4:44pm | Đă lưu IP Trích dẫn ThiênY

Công ty Nhật Bản chế thành công xe chỉ chạy bằng nước (H2O)

Xem phim tại đây.

H2O Car

Tương lại khỏi lo thiếu nhiên liệu

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Đă tham gia: 03 April 2008
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Msg 2 of 8: Đă gửi: 14 June 2008 lúc 4:49pm | Đă lưu IP Trích dẫn HoaCai01

Đừng bao giờ tin !


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Đă tham gia: 25 April 2006
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Msg 3 of 8: Đă gửi: 14 June 2008 lúc 4:58pm | Đă lưu IP Trích dẫn ThiênY

Đây là tài liệu lấy từ thông tin Reuters

Link của tin sau đây:
Water-fuel car unveiled in Japan
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Đă tham gia: 03 April 2008
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Msg 4 of 8: Đă gửi: 14 June 2008 lúc 5:08pm | Đă lưu IP Trích dẫn HoaCai01

Nghiên cứu kỹ cho thấy muốn tách hygrogen ra khỏi nước (H2O) cần tài nguyên khác  như vậy đâu phải chỉ đổ nước hoài hoài là có nhiêu nhiều Hydrogen .

Từ Wikipedia: cho rằng dụng cụ biến nước thành nhiên liệu là nhảm nhí !

Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell - a device that was falsely [where is the proof that this is a false claim?] claimed to extract energy from water.


Sửa lại bởi HoaCai01 : 14 June 2008 lúc 5:12pm

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Đă tham gia: 03 April 2008
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Msg 5 of 8: Đă gửi: 14 June 2008 lúc 5:15pm | Đă lưu IP Trích dẫn HoaCai01

In 1996, inventor Stanley Meyer was sued by investors to whom he had sold dealerships, offering the right to do business in Water Fuel Cell technology. According to The Times, Meyer claimed in court that his invention "opened the way for a car which would 'run on water', powered simply by a car battery."[1] The car would even run perpetually without fuel since the energy needed to continue the "fracturing" was low enough for the engine's dynamo to recharge the car's battery.[1] His car was due to be examined by the expert witness Michael Laughton, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Queen Mary, University of London and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. However, Meyer made what Professor Laughton considered a "lame excuse" on the days of examination and did not allow the test to proceed.[1] The Water Fuel Cell, on the other hand, was examined by three expert witnesses in court who found that there "was nothing revolutionary about the cell at all and that it was simply using conventional electrolysis".[1]

On the basis of the evidence the court found Meyer guilty of "gross and egregious fraud" and ordered to repay the investors their $25,000.[1]

Dùng cách điện phân để tạo nhiên liệu Hydrogen không là phái minh mới mẽ (đă biết từ lâu) !

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Đă tham gia: 03 April 2008
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Msg 6 of 8: Đă gửi: 14 June 2008 lúc 5:28pm | Đă lưu IP Trích dẫn HoaCai01

Toàn là tin bịp bợm.

Nếu quả thật đúng như quảng cáo th́ tin tức này sẽ tràn ngập trên Net (từ 1996 tại Mỹ Stan Meyer đại bịp, bị kiện và chết v́ áp lực) !

Đại công ty Toyota có những kỹ sư tài giỏi nhưng họ tuye6n bố vào 2010 mới có 1 xe điện charge cắm ổ điện nhà !

Không thấy các công ty xe hơi nói ǵ cả, tức là tin xe chạy bằng nước chỉ là ba xạo !


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Small Potato
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Đă tham gia: 12 June 2007
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Msg 7 of 8: Đă gửi: 16 June 2008 lúc 2:56pm | Đă lưu IP Trích dẫn Small Potato

Điểm chính là họ dùng Membrane Electrode Assembly - do họ chế tạo - nó chứa đựng một chất liệu đặc biệt để tách rời Hydrogen và Oxygen từ nước bằng vào phản ứng hóa học.


New Fuel Cell System 'Generates Electricity with Only Water, Air'

Kouji Kariatsumari, Nikkei Electronics

Prototyped vehicle

120W fuel cell system

Internal portion of the 120W fuel cell stack

300W generation system mounted in a luggage room (left)

Genepax Co Ltd explained the technologies used in its new fuel cell system "Water Energy System (WES)," which uses water as a fuel and does not emit CO2.

The system can generate power just by supplying water and air to the fuel and air electrodes, respectively, the company said at the press conference, which took place June 12, 2008, at the Osaka Assembly Hall.

The basic power generation mechanism of the new system is similar to that of a normal fuel cell, which uses hydrogen as a fuel. According to Genepax, the main feature of the new system is that it uses the company's membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which contains a material capable of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen through a chemical reaction.

Though the company did not reveal the details, it "succeeded in adopting a well-known process to produce hydrogen from water to the MEA," said Hirasawa Kiyoshi, the company's president. This process is allegedly similar to the mechanism that produces hydrogen by a reaction of metal hydride and water. But compared with the existing method, the new process is expected to produce hydrogen from water for longer time, the company said.

With the new process, the cell needs only water and air, eliminating the need for a hydrogen reformer and high-pressure hydrogen tank. Moreover, the MEA requires no special catalysts, and the required amount of rare metals such as platinum is almost the same as that of existing systems, Genepax said.

Unlike the direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC), which uses methanol as a fuel, the new system does not emit CO2. In addition, it is expected to have a longer life because catalyst degradation (poisoning) caused by CO does not occur on the fuel electrode side. As it has only been slightly more than a year since the company completed the prototype, it plans to collect more data on the product life.

At the conference, Genepax unveiled a fuel cell stack with a rated output of 120W and a fuel cell system with a rated output of 300W. In the demonstration, the 120W fuel cell stack was first supplied with water by using a dry-cell battery operated pump. After power was generated, it was operated as a passive system with the pump turned off.

This time, the voltage of the fuel cell stack was 25-30V. Because the stack is composed of 40 cells connected in series, it is expected that the output per cell is 3W or higher, the voltage is about 0.5-0.7V, and the current is about 6-7A. The power density is likely to be not less than 30mW/cm2 because the reaction area of the cell is 10 x 10 cm.

Meanwhile, the 300W fuel cell system is an active system, which supplies water and air with a pump. In the demonstration, Genepax powered the TV and the lighting equipment with a lead-acid battery charged by using the system. In addition, the 300W system was mounted in the luggage room of a compact electric vehicle "Reva" manufactured by Takeoka Mini Car Products Co Ltd, and the vehicle was actually driven by the system.

Genepax initially planned to develop a 500W system, but failed to procure the materials for MEA in time and ended up in making a 300W system.

For the future, the company intends to provide 1kw-class generation systems for use in electric vehicles and houses. Instead of driving electric vehicles with this system alone, the company expects to use it as a generator to charge the secondary battery used in electric vehicles.

Although the production cost is currently about ¥2,000,000 (US$18,522), it can be reduced to ¥500,000 or lower if Genepax succeeds in mass production. The company believes that its fuel cell system can compete with residential solar cell systems if the cost can be reduced to this level.

Kouji Kariatsumari, Nikkei Electronics


(Follow-up) Genepax President Interviewed on 'Water Energy System'

Kiyoshi Hirasawa, president of Genepax Co Ltd, unveiled part of the reaction mechanism of the company's new fuel cell system called "Water Energy System" in an interview with Nikkei Electronics.

The system, which is capable of generating power with water and air, was first presented June 12, 2008. As reported in our previous article, the system produces hydrogen through a chemical reaction between water and a metal (or a metal compound) on the fuel electrode side (See related article).

Genepax uses a metal or a metal compound that can cause an oxidation reaction with water at room temperature, the company said. Metals that react with water include lithium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. The main feature of the Water Energy System is that it can be operated for a longer period of time by controlling the reaction of the metal or the metal compound, the company said.

According to Genepax, the metal or the metal compound is supported by a porous body such as zeolite inside the fuel electrode of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). The products of the hydrogen generation reaction dissolves in water, and the water containing them will be discharged with water inside the system. Upon the completion of the reaction, the generation of hydrogen and power stops.

Considering the commercialization of the system, Genepax is conducting evaluation tests and plans to release test data.

Kouji Kariatsumari, Nikkei Electronics
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Đă tham gia: 03 April 2008
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Msg 8 of 8: Đă gửi: 17 June 2008 lúc 12:40pm | Đă lưu IP Trích dẫn HoaCai01

Cái khó là làm sao tách hydrogen ra 1 cách hiệu quả tức không quá tốn tiền và an toàn .

Rất nhiều thí nghiệm cho thấy 1 máy phát điện tư hon chạy bằng nước nhưng nh́n kỹ vật liệu cấu tạo máy đó lại mắt hơn là dùng điện từ ổ cắm trong nhà !


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